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$ whoami

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Laurentiu Ciobanu
Laurentiu Ciobanu

Hello world!

This is my first post. I am very pleased to see you here! My name is Laurentiu Ciobanu, some of you might now me as laurci. I am from Romania (I was born here and I've lived here since I was born).

I started writing code when I was very young (3rd grade). The first professional job I had was as a web developer, when I was 16 years old. That makes it about 6 years since I started working in this field.

I work as the CTO of 2 Romanian startups: Sessions and Webmarc (software agency, I worked on a lot of different projects for clients). I work with web, mobile, desktop, server-side (mostly this), cloud, and everything in between. I mainly develop and maintain projects in TypeScript, JavaScript, Go, Rust, and C++ (just to name a few).

I love writing code!

Given my early start in programming, I am passionate about low level concepts. I built all sorts of projects: from emulators, assemblers and compilers to embedded systems. I also like building frameworks and all sorts of other tools for the web.

My favorite language is Typescript and I have a very dangerous passion for it. I like to write stuff in TypeScript that shouldn't be written in TypeScript (including some stuff from above). I use JavaScript as a compilation target most of the time (sometimes I write TypeScript that gets compiled to WebAssembly with AssemblyScript) and I run it with Node (I'm not sold on Deno or Bun) and the browser.

I love meta-programming and code generation. I have spent a lot of time tinkering with the TypeScript compiler and I am very interested in improving the support for meta-programming. One of my main focuses right now is in developing a meta-programming platform for TypeScript that works as an abstraction over some existing features like the language service plugins and custom transformers.

Other than code, I also do electronics (prototyping, PCB design, etc.), 3d printing (and other kinds of manufacturing like laser cutting, CNC cutting, etc.) and the cloud (one of my biggest passions is Kubernetes and I build a lot of tools for this platform including Kubernate).

What's with the sheep?

My last name is Ciobanu, which translates to "shepherd", thus the sheep represents the code I write.

That's about it!

To wrap it up, I can't wait to write more posts and share my progress, ideas and knowledge with you. I will write tutorials, articles, devlogs and all sorts of other stuff, but I will always write about something I am passionate about (that's code ❤️).